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Avis sur  【世話焼き美容師とおうちで個人ケアASMR】しょにおや!~いっしょにおやすみプロジェクト~理桜がキミの身だしなみをもっと整えてあげるね♪【CV:小原好美】

Overall review

02/04/2024   kokofans M. / Mme.

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Mots clés sélectionnés par l'évaluateur :

Her voice is suited for this type of script, and her personality makes her acting natural and relaxing. As the title describes, she is familiar with being a warmhearted and loving-to-help character, and the script is well designed to amplify this characteristic of her. The sound of the Q-tip in the ear is quite realistic, although a little bit more breathing sound during the ear cleaning part might be better, as it comes from real-life experience. Over all, nice product!

* est un champ obligatoire)
