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「サキュバスの憂鬱」 へのレビュー

オススメ! Succubus in the Real World

2023年12月20日   Coldtea さん

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

レビュアーが選んだジャンル :

An interesting take of the classic idea of a succubus, where instead of appearing only at night she lives among normal humans in the real world.

While the story is short, it focuses on her emotional turmoil as she is unable to keep friends or lovers due to being a succubus, and as she sees humans as a different species she can partially control through magic.

If you're reading this in Japanese as a second language, it's not very difficult, and anything that may seem confusing can be understood from the picture context. While this is marked "all ages", there are some scenes which would not be seen as "all ages" in some other countries.

* は必須項目です)
