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Avis sur  癒ヤンデレ彼女~センパイの耳を独占できるのは私だけ~

オススメ! It's really immersive!

11/09/2023   Nuoplup M. / Mme.

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Your yandere girlfriend is very determined to keep you all to herself and she has no problem doing anything to get to be in the center of your attention! The subtle threats followed by the bashful but non-apologetic embarrassment when she has a misunderstanding lead to multiple cute reactions. She then finds all your voiced works and finds out you're 'cheating' on her with all your voiced works (including ASMRs). The translation (by BOLT翻訳) is great and did not feel unnatural at any point. The translation matched that of the description of the game so I'm satisfied with the product.

I like the resistance the MC puts up against her trying to delete all of his voiced works and how natural the conversation goes as a result. It's got all the good parts of an ASMR and is very satisfying to listen to!

* est un champ obligatoire)
