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Reviews for  機械種子

オススメ! Fun Game!

Feb/12/2019   egs5000

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

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Fun vertical scrolling shooter by Akiragoya. I found this after playing their latest release Steel Vampire which I enjoy a lot. This game isn't the most extensive, but for the price I think there is more than enough replayability to make it worth it. Online scoreboard works, but you have to manually go to scores you want published and upload them. Buy the game, it needs more entries! One of the coolest features which is unlocked after beating the base mode is a super fast mode that runs at double FPS. Combined with the game's base mechanic of powerups being based on ship damage (more damage more powerup) with slow background healing, this wacky mode is highly enjoyable and funny to watch and play. Highly recommend!

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