What Pajamas Do You Like? Anzu Ichinose ~How to Handle a Childhood Friend~


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VIVVVT / アクア・アルタ
Heilung ASMR Sandkastenfreunde Ohrenreinigung Sweet Love Slice of Life / Alltag
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What Pajamas Do You Like? Anzu Ichinose ~How to Handle a Childhood Friend~ [VIVVVT]

Okitomeno Academy...
A relatively new school, founded just 10 years ago.
Though is is fundamentally a Catholic school, none of the students are particularly religious.

There are students who attend from all over the world. Its clubs and sports teams are also highly-regarded, including a national-level track team. Many students apply with the expectation that their school life will be tons of fun.

Our hero is a student at Okitomeno, originally born on an island and now living alone in a Tokyo apartment. He's on the soccer team, famous around school as a hard-working bunch, and gets up early for practice every morning. But he's got just one little flaw...

He's really, REALLY not a morning person.

He can't just skip practice, but when he's there he's utterly worthless. His body aches year-round thanks to the early mornings. When he gets home he doesn't have energy to do anything else, and so the cycle repeats...

Since he tends to oversleep, he developed a nickname -- "Sleepy".
This is the story of the people in his apartment who help him out, his kind neighbors.

Character: Anzu Ichinose

What Pajamas Do You Like? Anzu Ichinose ~How to Handle a Childhood Friend~ [VIVVVT]

Your childhood friend.
The prettiest girl in school; popular with all the boys.
She's a great cook and loves sweets.
Despite her helpful personality, she's also got a mischievous and playful side.
She secretly has feelings for you, as well.

Track List (1:22:44)

  • scene1_起きてください
  • scene2_お付き合いごっこ
  • scene3_お耳指圧します
  • scene4_耳かきします
  • scene5_カップルの夜と言えば添い寝

Voice Actress Introduction: Reina Ueda

What Pajamas Do You Like? Anzu Ichinose ~How to Handle a Childhood Friend~ [VIVVVT]

Name: Reina Ueda
Agency: 81PRODUCE

Representative Roles:
Hanayamata (Naru Sekiya)
Pokemon Sun & Moon (Mallow, Snowy)
SSSS GRIDMAN (Akane Shinjou)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash (Gigi Andalucia)

What is VIVVVT?

What Pajamas Do You Like? Anzu Ichinose ~How to Handle a Childhood Friend~ [VIVVVT]

- Binaural recordings on a KU-100 microphone!
- Detailed Foley sound effects!
- Top voice talent from the anime and game industries!
- Writing that aims to help you relax to the fullest!

We utilize all these points to release audio works that stand out in the audio industry!
Our name, "VIVVVT" (pronounced "Bibitt", from "bibi tto kuru"m "to be surprised") represents our goal: to amaze you!

Official Site: https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/view/donpajya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VIVVVT_CL


  • 2021/07/18


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