Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.

Team Shanghai Alice

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Team Shanghai Alice
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Inhalt des Titels

Please note that this product is available in Japanese language only.

Touhou Project title number 15!!
"Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom." is a shmup where you set off to save humankind with an overpowered item.

*This game contains extreme scenes of bullet hell.
Children and anyone allergic to bullet hell are advised to you know what.

There was an urban myth going around the Gensoukyou:
"The Apollo had never gone to the moon."

At the same time, a metallic spider appeared in the mountains.
It seemed as if it was slowly loitering around.

Reimu: So, you saw a weird machine?
Sanae: It was in the mountains amidst the morning haze.

It had a form that looked like no other creature.
The haze had cleared where the spider had passed, and the trees had died.

Reimu: So it's a spider machine?
Sanae: I only saw it briefly, but I'm certain that it is a youkai.
Reimu: Maybe it's a Kappa's tool.

Life withered where the machine had passed.
Tengu were flying above but they ignored the spider for some reason.

Sanae: There's no way that that shape occurred by coincidence.

Sanae began to feel nervous.

Kaguya: It's finally time.
Eirin: What shall we do?
Kaguya: It's obvious isn't it? I've already made up my mind.

Eirin: I doubt the humans will be able to resist them alone.
However, if we interfere it'll be exactly what they want.
Kaguya: Then what should we do.
Eirin: I made a medicine for this. Lets send it to the shrine maidens.

---Marisa's house in the magical forest.
7 occult balls suddenly appear.
Amidst them was the mysterious ball of the moon, and Marisa began studying it.

Marisa: It seems that the reason for that urban myth started from this...

When it seemed like all hope was lost, Reisen appeared.

Normal Mode:
Chapters repeat until you can complete them without any mistakes.
Auto save is implemented, and you can continue the chapter even if you stop playing halfway.

Legacy Mode:
There seems to be side effects to the medicine, so you can play without using it.
Aim to complete the chapter with no misses using your own strength!?

Character Abilities:
Reimu Hakurei - Has a special homing ability to hit enemies.

Marisa Kirisame - Moves faster and can collect materials easier.

Sanae Kochiya - Has homing ability and specializes in dodging.

Reisen Udongein Inaba - Has penetrating attacks and can take up to 3 enemy bullets.


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