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Recensione per 【耳かき&添い寝】圧倒的添い寝CD 〜天然真面目な先輩ちゃんにいっぱい癒されちゃう〜【CV:小原好美】

    • 12/04/2024
      As always, her voice gives peace to one's heart, and this plot helps to bring out the kindness of her sound. I don't think anyone interested in this product will have any questions about her voice.
      As for the plot, however, I think it is an interesting choice, and my feeling is undetermined. On one hand, the sound from a variety of ear-cleaning tools is, well, interesting, but because it is in the ear tunnel, the sound gets closely similar to each other. On the other hand, it kinda distracts me from her talking because I was trying to understand the difference.
      These are just my thoughts, please don't get too serious, your experience should not be biased by others' opinions.
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