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Bewertungen von "【催眠音声】エンドトランス"

    • As someone who deeply loves trance works (especially because they are what introduced me to asmr and voice dramas as a whole), this latest work by Dot Space is the perfect example of how to make a relaxing, comfortable, entirely SFW work which lulls you into a deep trance - and is a work I enjoyed and reccomend greatly

      I appreciate how the work includes a loopable track so that you can make the trance experience as long or short as you wish. This - combined with the fact that on it's own the work is rather short - means this work is perfect for listening to even if you don't have much time on hand while still being enjoyable during longer listens

      Overall this is another great trance work by Dot Space! I'm very appreciative of them choosing to release an all ages trance this time round for when you wish to be put in a trance but do not feel like experiencing any adult content while doing so

      4 Personen fanden dies hilfreich

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