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「Sexual Activity ~クールな男性ふたりに性欲をぶつけて愛される~(出演:冬ノ熊肉、ドレミファソラ夫)特典トラック付」 へのレビュー

    • 2024年02月26日
      I wanted to listen to a story depicting a pure physical relationship, so I bought it. This is a high-caliber piece, and I recommend it. There are two threesome scenes, each one of them is erotic, especially the tiny detail in the bonus track that they bought the wedding dress for the heroine.

      The script is remarkably well-written. In the end, she didn't choose one over the other. Even though both men wanted her as their exclusive girlfriend, they didn’t rush her into a decision, and the story leaves their three way relationship as the way it is for now.

      The acting is excellent! Very alluring, with plenty of breathing and ear-licking, the former is subtle and not too loud to be irritating, and the latter consists mainly of licking and soft "chu-chu-chu" sounds, i felt like a soft serve ice cream.
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