تفاصيل المراجعة

Gurumani الحصري
Dose and Dream / 月村望
880 JPY / $5.65 USD / 80pt (10%كسب)
執事君の催○で心地よく落ちましょう。 安眠もしつけも、お任せです。 ちゃんと素直に、なりましょうね?
‏النسخة التجريبية
Successive Orgasms トランス/暗示ボイス しつけ Tease トランス/暗示 本番なし
  • تاريخ الاصدار: Nov-06-2016
  • (285)

‏‏مراجعات جديدة

童貞教師とイチャあま愛されえっち! [Secret Cat β]
童貞教師とイチャあま愛されえっち! [Secret Cat β]
可愛い!可愛い!とことん可愛い! え、椎名さん可愛すぎですけどっ!? そして「おねがい!」はあざとすぎる。そんな声でお願いされたら 拒否するなんて無理でしょ! んで、ほんとにDTですかっ!?ていう。 初手で耳攻めてくるのはDTの所業じゃないと思うの! しかもナチュラルに言葉でも攻めてくるじゃない?! 何この人ポテンシャル高すぎるでしょ……。 とかなんとか思ってたら使ったこと無いアイテムに戸惑うの、可愛いが過ぎる!それは反則よ! ひとつひとつ丁寧に「これいい?」「大丈夫?」「変じゃない?」って聞いてくるのマジでやば。(語彙力が消失するレベル) 可愛いを供給したい方にオススメです! ただ、Track2がSEありと無しで続けて並んでるので、 なにも考えずに上から聞いたら、時が遡ります(笑) お聞きになる際は、プレイリストを作ることをおすすめします。 時が遡っても可愛いは変わらんので全然よいのですが(笑) めちゃくちゃよかったです! ありがとうございました!by  muginochokoko
【被愛妄想男子の狂愛】君は僕のお姫様〜好き好き好き好き好き好き好き好き大好き【拗らせキメセク監禁】 [Sugar Holic]
【被愛妄想男子の狂愛】君は僕のお姫様〜好き好き好き好き好き好き好き好き大好き【拗らせキメセク監禁】 [Sugar Holic]
Marshmallow-san surprised me with his yandere character again..!!!! As I already had some experiences with Marshmellow-san's yandere character, this work shows us that he has already leveled up to another level! His voice acting becomes better! I really love the idea that the heroine was an idol and Ayumu-kun is your diehard fan. When he got banned and unable to join any of your event, he chose an extreme method, abducts you, and confines you, makes you eventually turns into his sex servant. Apart from Marshmallow-san's voice acting in the H-scenes, I really love his voices when he slowly turns into a super yandere mode. Maybe because I'm a masochist so I love really being yelled at by him lol. You will feel the excitement that Ayumu-kun will slowly become more hostile towards you. The ending was as I expected. The heroine can no longer run away from Ayumu-kun. I really love this twisted ending XD Marshmallow-san really did an amazing job in this work. His voice acting has improved a lot. I had a very immersive experience when I listened to this voice drama. If you loves the yandere main guy, this is the work for you!by  外国の蜜柑
年下でクズな執着系ヤンデレ元カレの復縁ドSレイプ〜黒歴史の弱みを握られて孕むまで種付けされました〜 [batarinkochan]
年下でクズな執着系ヤンデレ元カレの復縁ドSレイプ〜黒歴史の弱みを握られて孕むまで種付けされました〜 [batarinkochan]
As soon as I saw the cast name + the story of this voice drama, I had zero hesitation and purchased this work right away. In my opinion, Hirame-san + yandere character are one of the best combination so far that I have ever listened to in R18 drama cds. This time, Hirame-san plays as Mahiro-kun, who was your ex-boyfriend from high school and he is now currently working as a Host in the host club. One day, you decided to go to the host club after a long weary of working day. Coincidentally, you met with Mahito who was your high school sweet heart. Although you were part away from each other for 6 years, but Mahito has never forgotten about you even a second. When he threatens you that he will blackmail all your sexy pictures, you have no choice but to follow his order. And then, the dark heaven has begun!! OMG!!! I really love Hirame-san's voice acting in this work so much. He portrays as Mahito-kun so well. Their H-scenes are superb. Honestly, I can feel that Mahito really loves you and he was really hurt when the heroine dumbed him without any reason. He always keeps you in his heart to the extend that he even has your name (Kanji + Hiragana + Romanji) tattooed on his body lol. I can understand why though. Because you were each other first person. When Mahito finally got you, he will never let you go again... The level of sexiness in this work is amazing. Hirame-san has showed us all of his extraordinary voice acting in this work. The sexy scenes are so sexy as well as the yandere scene is super yandere as well. If you are ready to experience some twisted love from your ex-boyfriend, this is the work for you!by  外国の蜜柑
【CV三橋渡×ガチ惚れ大暴走】オナ好き女子、片思いしていた寡黙な隣人に実はガチ惚れされてて即ハメされる [peko house]
【CV三橋渡×ガチ惚れ大暴走】オナ好き女子、片思いしていた寡黙な隣人に実はガチ惚れされてて即ハメされる [peko house]
After I heard the samples I was completely sold. I needed this like the mc needed the heroine LOL. I absolutely love Mitsuhashi-san’s voice acting in this work. The mc sounds like a beast who can’t help but devour the heroine once he learns that she calls out his name while using her toy. He sounds so desperate and absolutely obsessed with the heroine doing the deed and I love it so much. I also really enjoyed how he apologizes for loosing control after that first h track, since he sounds like a guilty puppy haha! Would highly recommend to any Mitsuhashi fan!! This is a must!by  Eun
[ENG Sub] [KU100] The Popular Young Actor Won't Let His Prey Escape! [Ear Honey]
[ENG Sub] [KU100] The Popular Young Actor Won't Let His Prey Escape! [Ear Honey]
Thanks to Official Dlsite for the great translation. I bought this CD because I'm a fan of the voice actor and the setting. I like that the LI kinda slowed down during the first R18 track which is rare in situations. I thought the main plot was simple and straightforward where the main couple first meet and their later interactions. The SFX were OK and didn't distract me too much from the plot.by  Rae
目が覚めたらなぜかヤクザに抱かれていました。 [Black Dharma]
目が覚めたらなぜかヤクザに抱かれていました。 [Black Dharma]
시나리오가 매우 좋아 미츠하시상의 연기력을 물씬 느낄 수 있는 강!력! 추천작!! 씬의 흐름 안에서 자연스럽게 필요한 설정을 간결하지만 필요한 만큼을 충분히 풀어내고, 각 캐릭터의 설정들을 매우 잘 활용한 대사들에 미츠하시상의 연기력이 뿜어져 나오면서 정말 맛!깔!나!는! 작품입니다. 게다가 기본 씬으로 시작해 씬 가득한 에로도도 만점! 구입후 듣자마자 다시 들었구요, 그날 저녁 또 듣고 또 들었습니다. 세상에 들을 때마다 감탄합니다. 아아 미츠하시상의 연기력...! '그냥 단순히 이런 캐릭터'가 아닌 개인의 역사와 과거가 만든 표면과 그 뒤의 깊이감까지 섞인 아주 구체적이고 생생한 캐릭터를 목소리로 구현하셔서, 대사 하나하나에 제대로 녹아있습니다. 그리고 그 숨 연기. 오마이갓.... 역시 미츠하시상. 그냥 춥춥이나 헉헉이 아니고 순간 순간 뭘 하고 있는지가 그대로 그려지는데, 우와아아 대단.....! 이런 분이 계시다니!! 으허헝 너어어어어어무 좋습니다!! ㅠ_ㅠb 지금까지 구입한 작품들중 가장 많이 돌려 듣는 작품입니다.by  닳은헤드폰
The Coffee Shop Owner Messed Up My magical Girl Wand [Black Prince With Rose]
The Coffee Shop Owner Messed Up My magical Girl Wand [Black Prince With Rose]
주인공은 마법소녀고 남주는 그것을 아는 유일한 사람이며 점장인데 이 설정 특성이 그다지 활용되지 않은 점이 좀 아쉬웠습니다. 사용된건 마법봉 정도...? 내용적으로는 그래서 특별한것은 없습니다. 그저 미츠하시상의 목소리를 듣는 것 뿐 ㅎ 첫 카라미는 다정하고 두번째는 여주가 이별을 고하니 갑자기 얀데레처럼 강압적으로 합니다. 앞에 약간의 복선적인 대사나 그런 느낌을 살짝만이라도 비춰줬다면 좀 더 연결성이 좋았을 것 같은데, 저에게는 좀 붕 뜬 느낌이라 집중이 잘 되진 않았습니다. 시나리오에 대한 아쉬움이 남지만, 무료니까요. 미츠하시상의 점장 목소리가 듣고 싶으시다면.by  닳은헤드폰
Creampie Sex with Your Worrywort Yandere Boyfriend [Horny Story]
Creampie Sex with Your Worrywort Yandere Boyfriend [Horny Story]
メンタル不安定型の気持ちがよく分かる人間なので、この作品は何回も聞いています。 人生このままで大丈夫かなって思っちゃうのも、ふと寂しくなるのも分かる。 だからもう彼が相談しながら思わず笑っちゃうところとかものすごく分かる。本当に辛いこと言ってる時って笑っちゃうんだよね。 そしてしくしく泣き出した時にはもう、ぎゅーって抱きしめてよしよししてあげたくなるの。 彼女を抱きながらお願いずーっと好きでいてって泣きそうな声で言ってくるところとかもう愛しくて切なくて可愛く思えてくる。 行為序盤に若干イケイケでキャラ変わってないか?と思うひとときがあったけど(笑)中盤以降はずっと、好きって言って、ねえ好き?って言ってくるのが慰めたくなるの。 この彼好きだわ。自信満々イケイケの男より良いと思う。 ヤンデレほど病みきってはいない位なのがほどよく可愛い。 また聞きます。by  茜羊
甘美なる獲物~解き放たれた鬼は欲望のままに求め喰らう~ [blood rain]
甘美なる獲物~解き放たれた鬼は欲望のままに求め喰らう~ [blood rain]
凶悪な怪人に好き勝手されるのかと思いましたが、終始甘いです 人を喰う種族、能力格差などから圧は常に感じますが、痛めつけたり怒鳴るなどの威圧はありません 最初にオニのヨメなんて嫌ですと言ったけど、別に怒りもしなかったよね… でも逃がす気はさらさらないんだな! 常時べろべろ舐められてるので、兎が好きすぎてペロペロ舐め回しながら追いかけ回す虎みたいだなと思いました でも絶対放してやんない 一方的に奪われる形ですが、ヒロインは終生愛されそうだから、幸せなんじゃないだろうか? 懸念は、羅刹の人喰いの習慣ですよねえ… 頼んだらやめてくれるんだろうか、それとも、嫁を得た鬼は天鬼に昇格して人食わなくてもいられるとか…(個人の妄想です) 総尺60分程度ですがプレイ中心で密度が濃く、大満足です 愛してやる愛してやる愛してると情熱的理不尽に人外旦那様から求められてみてくださいby  新香とおにぎり
転生先ではモブ悪魔とセックスしないと生き残れません! [ルージュ・メティス]
転生先ではモブ悪魔とセックスしないと生き残れません! [ルージュ・メティス]
乙女ゲームに転生したミア、そこは全ルートでバッドエンドになってしまう世界でした。この時点で諦めなのですが、ミアは人よりも大量の魔力を持っていたので、非攻略対象の悪魔と契約します。 契約した悪魔(カイウス)を敵の悪魔よりも強くするために魔力を受け渡さないとなのですが、方法がとっても斬新なものでした!! 初めは魔力を貰うだけの人間だと思っていましたが、どんどんカイウスはミアに引かれていきます。ミアに対する思いにとってもキュンキュンしました!!by  まりゅ