List reviews for 「「性感マッサージ店のまんこ割と無料潮吹きサービス?」イケメン店員さんにえっちなお願いしてみました。」

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イケメンハニー / 真琴
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ここは性感マッサージ店【あーすひーる】女性に癒しと快楽を提供するお店。誰にも言えない性の悩みを、あなた好みの男性に打ち明けて、一緒に解決してみませんか?まずはカウンセリングから。 完全予約制 スーツ、白衣などコスチューム指定OK
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Totally Happy Dirty Talk Glasses Lovey Dovey / Sweet Love Sex Industry / Soapland Ladies Comic Internal Cumshot Cunnilingus
  • Release date: Mar/01/2024
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The Condemned Wise Woman and The Loathsome Prince Who Adores Her [Tokoya]
The Condemned Wise Woman and The Loathsome Prince Who Adores Her [Tokoya]
完結するまで我慢しようと思っていたのですが、レビューを読んでいて「ヒロインを無理矢理犯しながら苦しい顔をする男は好きですか?私は大大好きです。」の一文が目に入り、そんなもん好きに決まってる!!!!!と購入しました。 買って良かった!とっても満足!何回でも読み直したい!続きはどうなるの!? 文句なしの★★★★★です、、by  ヴァイポテト
近所に引っ越してきた年下の男の子を自分好みに調教しちゃう【寸止め手コキ射精管理】 [Uji Matcha]
近所に引っ越してきた年下の男の子を自分好みに調教しちゃう【寸止め手コキ射精管理】 [Uji Matcha]
ヤバい。可愛いオブ・ザ・イヤー。 まず声が好き。落ち着いたトーンで可愛い。DTの男の子ってこんな話し方するよな、っていうリアル感溢れる演技に没入してしまいました。ちょいちょい敬語外れるとこも可愛いしかない。 私、こんなDT焦らして楽しむ癖は持ち合わせてなかったはずなのに、寸止めされるとこが可愛いすぎて新たな扉開いてしまいましたわ……うじさん、どうしてくれるん? 焦らされた挙げ句にDT卒業できて喜んでるのも可愛いくて、うんうん、良かったね!気持ちよかったよね!て言ってしまうけど、既に絶倫の片鱗を見せておりなんて将来有望な子なのこの子は!と育成欲まで掻き立てられます。 とりあえず、この可愛い男の子と出会えて我が人生悔い無し!合掌!by  ふーちゃん
セカンド・バージン~溺愛年上彼氏~ [Honey Baby]
セカンド・バージン~溺愛年上彼氏~ [Honey Baby]
三橋さんの作品はじめてかな? お名前は見てたのですが、中々機会がなく!この度、購入したのですがめちゃくちゃ良かったです。 この金額で本当にいいのですか?? はじめてが怖くて……といわれて、なんて丁寧で誠実な対応してくれるの……好きすぎ……理想の彼氏No.1です。抱いてください、抱かれてましたね いや、本当にこの人にならセカンドバージン安心して預けられます。最高ですby  ながつきりん
[ENG Sub] Noble Warrior Princess' Heart is Stolen by an Angel ~Sweet Mind Control~ [Mars]
[ENG Sub] Noble Warrior Princess' Heart is Stolen by an Angel ~Sweet Mind Control~ [Mars]
The whispering on this one had me in a grip. That combined with how... twisted and ironic the scenario of an angel being a bastard is really gave me goosebumps throughout, because the princess knight was really in an inevitable situation. The way the angel saw her and preyed on her faith and mind controlled her was nice, and towards the end, you see the angel show his true colors in the manic way he talks. I would say not to expect super lovey dovey scenes, because the aftercare in this work is the angel saying "now go kill more and I will reward you." Mars, the translator, did an amazing job with this one, since the way the erotic scenes are written are....just enough to get the erotic tone across, without being extremely crass. I found it fitting of an  teeta
[ENG Sub] KAMIKAKUSHI ~Hide & Seek Alone~ [tintinnabulary]
[ENG Sub] KAMIKAKUSHI ~Hide & Seek Alone~ [tintinnabulary]
So, again, love the horror aspects, it legitimately kept me up all night because this specific urban legend terrifies me as someone who loves stuffed animals, right? Trashy guy does trashy things, standard, typical time with this sorta description. I came in expecting the things that were being done. THEN WE GET TO THE LAST TRACK. AND DESPITE MY BETTER JUDGEMENT... I LISTENED. And I will never get that part of myself back. I can't say it was bad because the VA did a beautiful job, but damn. There was just no warning for that. Happy Mother's day to the poor girl in that one, I  teeta
[ENG Sub] KAMIKAKUSHI ~Hasshaku-sama~ [pineo]
[ENG Sub] KAMIKAKUSHI ~Hasshaku-sama~ [pineo]
I am a horror enthusiast, and I have a familiarity with the original urban legend. Gotta say, I was very pleasantly surprised. The story is something that is quick to follow through as it is very straightforward, and I did love the size disparity at the end. The VA is AMAZING at maniacal laughter to boot, so he immediately became a favorite of mine since I liked the way the breathlessness got caught between the moans and the laughter, made for a nice erotic  teeta
Birthday Eve ~Ending Our Days of Passing Each Other By~ [CoinToss]
Birthday Eve ~Ending Our Days of Passing Each Other By~ [CoinToss]
Please, me when? Lawd it's got EVERYTHING. Everything my weak switch ass hopes for. I thought it couldn't get any better after the first H scene but GAHDAMN, it gets even better as we progress. At first, he's so sweet and I could FEEL how much he longed for this moment and nothing is sexier than knowing and feeling wanted by your partner. Second H scene and we go bareback and of course who doesn't like getting railed in the back. PLUS he prone bones us *drools* AND THEN the 3rd H scene comes like a truck as we dominate this puppy here. He was so adorable I couldn't stop smiling BUT HE REGAINS HOLD OF THE LEASH AND WE'RE BACK TO BEING WRECKED. *dies* Please, lawd me when? And for the ladies who loves yanderes, THIS ONE EVEN HAS A SEPARATE TRACK FOR IT, so enjoy. Bon appetit~~by  chou
思春期で姉に反抗してくる弟のあそこをさりげなく触って、その気にさせて押し倒しセックス [Uji Matcha]
思春期で姉に反抗してくる弟のあそこをさりげなく触って、その気にさせて押し倒しセックス [Uji Matcha]
Not the biggest fan of family relatives, rather fem dom. And this was pretty good in that regards. If you can't stand that, there's a lot of onee chans , so I wouldnt recommend. The brother character starts off really relaxed , but as it goes on he gets a lot more vocal and adorable! Lots of yabai and dames but no yametes. So if you dislike dub con you're all good on that  Femdomlover
Early Afternoon Housewife II: The insurance man always rings twice [Lotophagos]
Early Afternoon Housewife II: The insurance man always rings twice [Lotophagos]
I really enjoyed my time with this work and have listened to it multiple times and I will continue to do so and like how the voice acting is so good, and I'm very glad that Nobuo has a VA CUZ let me tell his voice was so hot and attractive to me, and he was only in it almost for just 7 mins, but he managed to catch my Attention and makes me hates his guts while drooling over his voice and usually in this type of situation the husband or the boyfriend did not get a voice, and I'm sad that he doesn't have any other work here except this feature anyway I recommend this work if you enjoy cheating and drama CUZ the ending is such shocking that is still making me gagged every time i re-listen to  ftoma99
Every Moment with Liebe [OZ Drops]
Every Moment with Liebe [OZ Drops]
フォロワーさんにオジサマの純愛ものだと勧められたものの、ストーリー紹介には敵国に潜入している諜報員のヒロインの素性がバレて上官に捕まり、薬を打たれて裸で鎖で繋がれる。としか書いてない。 はて?これのどこが純愛になるんだ? ドS軍人キメセク監禁凌辱な展開しかないじゃん?と思いつつ、軽い気持ちで視聴開始。 結果・・・・・・大号泣!! まじりっ気なしのオジサマの純愛でした。ネタバレなしで聴いてほしいので詳しくは書きませんが、ギルさんイイ男すぎませんか?! まず声がいいのよ華麗愁さん←(すごい名前大喜利w) マッチョなオジサマの色気がムンムンしてるわけです。素敵!惚れた! そのギルさんの一途で不器用(時々かわいい)な恋と愛がもう・・・発狂レベルでグサグサ刺さるんです。 SEもすごく凝っていて映画かなと思うほど。 後半の吹雪が吹き荒れるシーンは圧巻で、良い感じに絶望させてくれます。 二人がそれぞれピアノを弾くシーンで使われる曲も美しく、ちょっとエッチなシーンを更に引き立ててくれています。 細かい生活音にまで並々ならぬこだわりと気合いが見えますよ。 脇を固めるメイドのアイリーンちゃんも戦友のクラウスくんも良い味を出していて特典SSではホッコリさせられます。 オジサマに愛されたい 不器用だけど真っ直ぐな純愛が好き ストーリー重視の泣ける話が好き 軍服が好き 戦闘シーンOK 脇役ボイスOK ↑にピンときたら迷わず聴いてほしい作品です。by  レモン之助