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Reseñas de  【ガチ執着】『童貞★こじらせ上司』は犯したい!+監禁洗脳 ~思い切って「抱いて」と言ってみたら、ガチ依存され面倒くさい事になった~(KU100)

オススメ! He wants to make sure that you love him

03/11/2024   Dyuuuu さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Palabras clave que seleccionó el reseñador:

As you can see in the title, he was virgin.
I realize how dangerous it is to get first time with virgin guy.

I was shocked lots because of bonus track and ending.
I super recommend to listen complete ending if you like yandare.
Actually the other works of this circle, I couldn't be satisfied with enoughly.
Because it feels like bit weak yandare rather than their explanations.

But this work is real.
I really love to hear this.
The voice actor was good, senario was good, SE was good.
I fell in love his voice.
Why do you hesitate to buy this if you like keywords?

(* es un campo obligatorio)
