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「【CV.冬ノ熊肉】Omertà Famiglia(オメリア) Target01 マーレ」 へのレビュー

オススメ! When the heart starts to beat again.

2024年02月29日   梨々愛な さん

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

レビュアーが選んだジャンル :

I love this so much that I couldn't explain in words. Once again, such an amazing story let me experience an emotional roller coaster from the starting of the story till the end. The writing for this volume, is so beautiful, it made my heart ache when they cried, and made me cried my heart out when they suffered. I truly wanted to hold them. Thanks to ラミプラさん for carrying out the first volume of this series and thanks to kzさん for wonderful cover and illustration.

冬ノ熊肉さん is incredible at capturing マーレ, I enjoyed his voice acting. His whispering and voice, are truly attractive and that made love scenes even more exciting and heartbreaking and you're gonna love it. I'm also impressed by 凛星凛さん (as フェイ) and 白崎コウさん (as トーマ) as well, their characters left me with such wonderful impression. My gratitude to all VAs. (I wish I get to know more about them though)

I recommend for those who love mafia theme story, world-building, a slow but meaningful character development and their relationship. Plus, if you like listening to 冬ノ熊肉さん then, it's 100% a must. He's always amazing and you wouldn't disappoint with this one, especially with the scenario from ラミプラさん


So, Heroineちゃん is an assassin, and トーマ offered information about the target "リッラ" from the Verone. Although there's something fishy about this, she decided to accept it and started working together with フェイ

Turned out, リッラ's actually someone from her childhood, the boy she once named him "マーレ". He's gentle, polite but quick-witted when it's come to the mafia world, he's fast to react when he's targeted since he'd to deal with it many times. They're always with each other until one fateful day, she decided to help him escape knowing they wouldn't succeed if she wanted to go with him and that's when they got seperated. Since that day, guilt always haunted him, as he's the one who "killed" her and "stole" her happiness.

She's his light, his guide, and entire life.

He made a choice that it's his chance now, to "offer" himself, his life to her. While he wanted to request for her one last embrace, they were interrupted by フェイ who came to save Heroineちゃん (he looks so worried about her) so マーレ asked her to come and find him again and she did. This time, he'll be the one helping her, if only she takes his hand.

Will they be together?
Will they find happiness?


But surely, no matter what happens, マーレ will always love, and wish for your happiness.

* は必須項目です)
