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「【クソデカ発情】『ガチ狂愛★ヤンデレ美男子』は犯したい!~ピュアな美男子がケガをしたので思わず「脱いで」と言ったら、とんでもない事になった~(CV彩和矢/KU100)」 へのレビュー

オススメ! I like it

2023年09月01日   Mime jones さん

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

the story is quite good, it may have confused me at first but as it progresses further it starts to make sense, his treatment is quite cute, I admit it and his voice is so smooth. on some occasions and when necessary he becomes serious, Honestly, I went because of the appearance, but I can say that I was quite satisfied with this product,I hope this work is available in English version soon.

* は必須項目です)
