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Reviews for  【検証】童貞が初めておっぱいをもらったらどうするのか!欲望の限りを出し尽くす実演オナニー!

It’s alright

Mar/19/2024   humiX

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

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So first things first: Ngl I bought this for the cute voice & tit sucking - that part was great BUT the rest of it is just him talking. So if you need a quickie & this combo does it for you: buy it. But you ain’t missing out if you don’t.

Secondly, there is so much potential for this VA if he can tune his voice & create a nice story, there’d be a good flow to the clips.

Lastly, the tone can be a little bit cringey to some so warning (if you haven’t given the sample a go)

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