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Avis sur  【溺愛言霊プレイ】淫魔の末裔の同僚にとことん愛され密着SEXでイクイクが止まらないっ!!!

オススメ! Ear licking heaven

26/02/2024   Eun M. / Mme.

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

A work by Yagami-san that's filled with ear licking? Instant purchase.

Mc is a descendant of a demon of sorts (incubus) and sends some spicy dreams to the heroine where he does plenty of ear licking :) One thing leads to another, and eventually the mc does reveal his powers and his affection for the heroine. He's quite sweet in the final track as well, and I really enjoyed Yagami-san's voice acting too! If you're a fan of ear licking this one is a must!!

* est un champ obligatoire)
